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How can outbound links help your SEO

Outbound Links SEO Research
1. Search Engine Optimisation Quick Tips
2. SEO – What are the benefits for your business?
3. Causes & Solutions of Poor Search Engine Optimisation
4. What is a Meta Description?
5. Alt Text Optimisation – What You Need To Know
6. What is Keyword Density?
7. Tips For Improving Your Internal Linking Structure
8. Thinking about your SEO Slug
9. The Importance of a Unique Keyphrase
10. Crafting an optimised page title
11. How To Optimise Your Subheadings
12. How can outbound links help your SEO
13. Choosing the right focus keyword
14. The Benefits of adding call-to-actions to your website
15. The dos and don’ts of backlinking
16. How long does SEO take?
17. SEO vs PPC
18. Local SEO for retail and how to dominate your patch
19. AI and SEO: A New Approach to Boosting Your Online Visibility
20. SEO Link Building – Best and Worst Practice
21. What is Parasite SEO? A Guide to Leveraging High Authority Websites
22. Understanding SERP: The Evolving Landscape of Search Engine Marketing
23. SEO vs. PPC: Understanding the Differences
24. Unlocking Your Digital Potential with a Comprehensive SEO Audit
25. Link Detox: The Essential Guide to Disavowing Harmful Backlinks

Outbound links are an important aspect of SEO. However, doesn’t it seem counterintuitive to link to other websites, as you’ll want users to stay on yours for as long as possible. Not exactly… 

Firstly, outbound links are links that take users from one website to another. With outbound links, there are two types, inbound and outbound.

  • Inbound links, also known as backlinks, these are links coming from other websites to your website – this is vital when building a linking strategy. However, avoid resorting to less savoury tactics in order to increase your backlinks.
  • Links from your website to other websites are called outbound links. These are the ones referred to in this blog.

How do outbound links help?

Outbound links helps to increase your E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness). This is in a way a way Google rates good content from bad content – as nowadays, there are many people gaming the system and using underhanded tactics to improve their SEO, without providing value to the user, which is one of the main goals of Google’s SEO system to begin with.

When using outbound links for SEO, make sure you link to a relevant and reputed source of information, as it tells users that your content has some connection with the one you link (assuming it does). Thus, will give a small boost to your perceived E-A-T and encourage visitors to continue reading. 

When looking at things through a bigger picture increasing the number of outbound links websites improves the internet in general. Keeping up this practise will help connect websites 

As with outbound linking, internal linking is vital for improving SEO and user engagement on your website. Not only does it help users navigate to other relevant area of your website it helps Google bots create a site map for your website and determine which pages are the most valuable. Read our blog on improving your internal linking structure here!


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