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Common Mistakes with DIY Web Design: What You Need to Know

Web Design
1. Mobile First Design – Key Considerations
2. Updating your website – 5 Top tips.
3. Success online all starts on your website
4. Tips from a web design agency
5. Web Design – Remembering the Basics…
6. Top tips in choosing a company for Web Design
7. What is a Web Agency?
8. Website Planning & Strategy
9. 5 Reasons why your Target Audience should be your primary consideration when designing a new website.
10. User Experience (UX): The Heart of Web Design
11. How to Design a Website
12. Common Mistakes with DIY Web Design: What You Need to Know
13. Should I Hire a Web Developer or Use a Website Builder

Having a website is essential for any business. With the rise of user-friendly website builders and templates, many small business owners opt for DIY web design to save costs and maintain control over their online presence.

While taking the reins of your website design can be tempting, it often leads to pitfalls that can hinder your site’s performance and user experience. This guide’s aim is to explore some of the most prevalent mistakes made in DIY web design and how to avoid them.

DIY Website Design – Neglecting User Experience

One of the most significant mistakes in DIY web design is overlooking user experience. A website should be intuitive and easy to navigate. If users struggle to find information or face obstacles while browsing, they are likely to leave quickly.

Our Tip: Conduct usability testing with real users. Gather feedback on the layout, navigation, and overall experience. Focus on creating a clear and logical structure that guides visitors to the information they need.

DIY Web DesignChoosing Poor Colour Schemes and Fonts

Aesthetics matter. Many DIY designers fail to select appropriate colour schemes and fonts that reflect their brand identity and appeal to their target audience. Clashing colours or overly complicated fonts can create visual chaos and drive users away.

Our Tip: Stick to a cohesive colour palette and limit your font choices to two or three complementary styles. Use online tools like Adobe Color or Coolors to help create a harmonious colour scheme that enhances your brand identity.

Ignoring Mobile Responsiveness

A significant portion of web traffic comes from mobile devices, having a mobile-responsive design is crucial. DIY web designers often neglect this aspect, leading to a poor user experience for mobile visitors.

Our Tip: Ensure your website is responsive across all devices. Most website builders offer mobile optimisation features, so take advantage of them. Always preview your site on different devices to ensure it looks and functions well everywhere.

Online Audience, DIY Web DesignOverloading with Content

While it’s essential to provide information about your services or products, bombarding visitors with too much content can be overwhelming. Long paragraphs, excessive text, and too many images can detract from your message.

Our Tip: Keep content concise, engaging, and relevant. Use headings, bullet points, and visuals to break up text and make information easily digestible. Remember, clarity is key.

Neglecting SEO Best Practices

DIY web designers often overlook search engine optimisation (SEO) when building their sites. Without proper SEO, your website may struggle to rank on search engine results pages, making it difficult for potential customers to find you.

Our tip to avoid this mistake – Research basic SEO practices, such as using relevant keywords, optimising meta tags, and creating quality content. Consider using tools like Yoast SEO or Google Analytics to monitor your site’s performance and make necessary adjustments.

DIY Web DesignIs DIY Website Design Forgetting about Maintenance?

Building a website is just the beginning. Many DIY designers forget that regular maintenance is crucial to keeping their site functional and secure. Outdated plugins, broken links, and unoptimised images can lead to a poor user experience and security vulnerabilities.

Our Tip: Create a maintenance schedule to regularly update your content, check for broken links, and ensure all plugins are current. Regularly back up your website to avoid data loss and maintain security.

Lacking a Clear Call to Action (CTA)

A common mistake in DIY web design is failing to include clear calls to action. A website should guide visitors toward specific actions, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase or contacting you for more information.

Our Tip: Make your CTAs clear, prominent, and compelling. Use action-oriented language and position them strategically throughout your site to encourage user engagement.

While DIY web design can be a cost-effective solution, it comes with its major challenges. By being aware of these common mistakes and taking proactive steps to avoid them, you can create a website that not only looks great but also functions effectively and meets the needs of your users. If you find yourself struggling with your DIY efforts or simply want to elevate your online presence, consider partnering with a professional web design company. At DigiBubble, we specialise in creating tailored websites that drive results and enhance user experiences. Let us help you turn your vision into reality!

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